Tuesday 11 June 2024


Tube - © Verymany - called Milkshake - found HERE

Narah Mask 0692 - HERE
Vix Mask 147
(no longer available for download on her site, sorry)

penta.com - Jeans
Xero - Fritillary
Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow

Preset Shape Tool

IMPACT (mine came with PSP)
Fixed_01 (pixel font)
Butterline - (script font for wordart)
Love & Secret (script font for name)

Sparkles of choice


Okay, let's get started!


New - New Image - 750 x 750 - transparent
Paste your tube of choice onto your canvas.
Choose two colors from your tube to make a gradient.
I used #6082b3 and #ff60a8
Using the font Impact - Size: 200 - Anti-Alias: Smooth
Type the word BABE using the gradient
Convert to a raster layer
Image - Rotate - Free Rotate - Right 90°
Place it alongside your tube
With your font layer active 
Selections - All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections -  Modify - Expand by 6

Add a new raster layer and lower it beneath the word layer
Floodfill that layer with a color of choice from your tube
I chose #1f4069
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Add a new raster layer again and lower it beneath the one we just floodfilled
Floodfill this new layer with your previous gradient again
Selections - Select None


With the very bottom gradient layer active
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Random - 17% - Monochrome: unchecked

Add a dropshadow of 0, 0, 30, 3.00
Now make the next floodfilled layer active 
(the one with a solid color between the 2 gradients)
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
Width: 2
Opacity: 17
Color: white
Horizontal: checked

Add a dropshadow, same as before.

Now click on the main gradient layer to make it active.
I chose a part of my tube to add over top of each letter.
Once you get your tube parts situated where you want them, hide all other layers
Click on one of the tube parts over the letters to make it active
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Unhide the other layers now
Right click the layer and choose Duplicate
Click on the bottom tubes layer and change the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy)
Click on the top tubes layer and change the blend mode to Soft Light
Click on the gradient letters layer and add a dropshadow, same as before
Hide your main tube layer now
Click on any other layer to make it active
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Unhide your main tube layer now
This is what I have so far:


Using the color #1f4069 I drew a rectangle using rectangle preset shape tool.
About this size : 

Now, using the rectangle preset again, draw smaller pink rectangles at each end of the blue one.
I used the same pink as before #ff60a8
This is what I now have: 

Add a dropshadow, same as before
Effects - Plugins - penta.com - Jeans - default settings


Now, use a larger version of your tube and add to the blue rectangle layer you made.
Once you have it trimmed using same selections method as above
Change the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy) and lower opacity to 30.
Add a dropshadow, same as before to the blue rectangle layer.

Set the color #ff60a8 in your Material Palette, in the bottom square 
(the Background and Fill Properties)
Now, the top square, make it transparent by clicking the small circle with a line through it underneath.
(pictured below, see where arrow is pointing)

Using the rectangle preset shape tool again 
Keep your line style set to solid but change the width to 3.00

Now, draw a rectangle around the inside of your blue rectangle
Convert to raster layer
Add a dropshadow, same as before..
Here is what I have so far: 


Using the pixel font 'Fixed 01
I typed the words Milkshake in a gradient using colors #d6d5fc and #fed4ec
See my tag for placement

Now, using the colors 
#ff60a8 and #31527b
I used the Narah mask on a canvas size 550 x 550
Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Paste it onto your tag at the top right and bottom left
Again, see my tag for placement

Using the rectangle preset shape tool once again, and the color 
I made some rectangles on each side of my tag (4 total)
Convert to raster layer
Then Effects - Plugin - Xero - Fritillary

Add a dropshadow, same as before


Using the Butterline font, type the word Milkshake
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float
Selections - Defloat
Selections - Modify - Expand by 2

Add a new raster layer and lower it beneath the word Milkshake layer
Floodfill it with the color 
Selections - Select None
Add a dropshadow 1, 1, 50, 5.00

Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 4000 - gradient glow
I used a thin glow with the color #1f4069

Lastly, using the gradient with two colors
#ff60a8 and 
Apply the Vix mask (or another mask of choice) 
and add it to each side of your tag coming out from behind.

Now add your copyright information, sparkles of choice and name.
We are all finished! Woohoo!

Thank you for following along!

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written June 11, 2024.
Sunday 18 February 2024



Tube ©Zindy S.D. Nielsen - available HERE 
Template - Simple Circle 2 on my blog - sylly creationz - HERE

Xero - Radiance & Fritillary
penta.com - Jeans
Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow

Narah Mask 0964 - HERE
Vix Mask 147 - no longer available for download
But any mask will do if you don't have this one 

Pixel Font - Fixed01 - HERE
Name - Gladysh - HERE

Okay, let's get started!


Open the template in PSP.
Shift + D to duplicate - close the original 
Image - Canvas Size - 800 x 800 - Click OK
Paste the tube you want to use under the frame layer
Click on the half circle layer 
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Invert 

Click on the tube layer to make it active, hit your delete key on the keyboard
Selections - Invert
Add a new raster layer and lower it beneath the tube layer
Floodfill with a color of choice, I used #9772a0
Selections - Select None
Duplicate the tube layer
Change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy on the bottom tube layer
And then change the blend mode to Multiply on the top tube layer
Now duplicate the top tube layer
Effects - Plugins - Xero - Radiance - default settings
Lower the opacity of that layer to 46


Click on the half circle frame layer to make it active
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 

Add a new raster layer and floodfill with the same color as before. 
Selections - Select None
Delete the white frame
Effects - Plugins - penta.com - Jeans - default settings
Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow 
I added a 'thin' glow with the color #412935


Once again, paste your tube but now over top of the gray rectangle
Using the same method as above, trim your tube using Selections 
Change the blend mode of your tube to Luminance Legacy
Click on the Gray Rectangle layer, and add a dropshadow 
I used 0, 0, 40, 4.00.

Now, paste your tube over the larger circle layer
Image - Mirror 
Click on the larger circle layer
Using same method as above once again, trim the tube
Change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy and lower the opacity to 22
Add a new raster layer and floodfill it with #412935
Now add a new raster layer again
Selections - Modify - Expand by 8
Using the two purple colors above, I created a gradient
Floodfill this layer with the gradient and lower it beneath the floodfilled circle layer
Selections - Select None
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise  
Random - 23% - Monochrome: Checked

Add a dropshadow of 0, 0, 40, 4.00


Open your mask by Narah and resize by 86%
Paste over top of your tube layer (the one we just trimmed)
Now click on your large circle layer we just floodfilled
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Invert

Click on your mask layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard
Selections - None 
Change the blend mode to Overlay and lower the opacity to 40
Now ensure this mask layer is over the tube layer
Once again click on your floodfilled large circle layer  to make it active
Add a dropshadow , I used 0, 0, 40, 4.00


Click on the circle small layer to make it active
I changed the color to the same dark purple as before
Add a dropshadow - same as before
Xero - Fritillary - Variation: 11
Click OK
Now paste the tube over top of this layer
I moved it to the right so it lined up with the tube under the half circle frame
Now the hair should be flowing out from behind the frame.
(see my tag for reference)
Trim excess from the tube so you can only see the hair
Duplicate the hair
Change the blend mode of the bottom layer to Luminance Legacy
Change the blend mode of the top layer to Overlay
Lower the opacity of the Overlay layer to 54


Add your Vix mask
I used the same dark purple as before
Add your credits, sparkles of choice and a name. 

Thank you for following along with my tutorial.

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written February 18, 2024.
Friday 6 October 2023


Tube - ©Ismael Rac - Not available for purchase anymore
But this tube is a Creative Misfits exclusive - join Creative Misfits HERE

Scrap Kit - by Simone at Scrappy Bit of Fun - HERE

Xero - Radiance 
penta.com - Jeans
Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow

Preset Shape Tool - Circle and Rectangle

(breast cancer ribbon stamp)

Kaleenay - 'Get Your Mammogram' text 
Pixelette - pixel text

Mask - Vix-Mask458 
(not available for download on her website at the moment)
Will update if it is fixed!


Okay, let's get started!


File - New - New Image - 750 x 750 - transparent

Grab the frame 'F-001' from the scrap kit and paste to your canvas.
No resizing is necessary
Using a gradient of choice , and preset shape tool, draw a circle and move it beneath the frame. 
Convert to a raster layer
I made my own gradient using colors ##fd3395 and white.
Make sure the circle is just within the center of the frame.
Now, using circle preset shape tool again, draw another circle larger than the frame. 
Convert it to a raster layer and lower it to the very bottom layer.
Now, using the color #cf4c7d, draw one more circle
Ensure it is bigger than the one you just made by a bit.
Convert it to a raster layer
Add/Remove Noise
Add Noise 

Random - 38% - Monochrome: Unchecked
Add a dropshadow to this circle, the largest pink circle and the frame
I used 0, 0, 30, 3.00 for all of them.
Here is a preview of what I have so far: 


Now, paste your tube to the canvas.
Add a dropshadow, I used the same as before.
Duplicate your tube, and move it to the right of your tag over the largest pink circle layer.
Duplicate it again
Image - Mirror
Now click on the largest pink circle to make it active
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat
Selections - Invert

Click on each of your tube layers over the largest pink circle and hit your delete key
Selections - Select None
Hide all layers except the two tube layers over the circle
Click one of those two tube layers to make it active
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Now unhide the rest of the layers
Duplicate your merged layer
Change the blend mode of the bottom one to Luminance (Legacy)
Change the blend mode of the top one to Screen


Using the color #cf4c7d again, draw a rectangle over the largest circle with tubes layer
with your Preset Shape Tool
and lower it to the bottom layer beneath the circle.
I drew mine with rounded corners 
To do this, change the horizontal and vertical radius (at the top of PSP) to 20.00

Using the same method as above, add your tube to this shape you've just drawn on each side
Once you've done this duplicate the tubes
And then like above, change the blend modes to Luminance Legacy (bottom) and Overlay (top)
Add a dropshadow, same as above, to your rectangle layer
Hide all layers except the rectangle and the two tubes you've just added
Click one of the layers to make them active.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Now duplicate this merged layer
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds

Width: 2 - Opacity: 52 - Color: white
And both boxes under color are checked
Click Ok
Now lower the opacity to this layer to 50
This is what I now have: 


Make your own gradient with colors of choice from your tube
I used #ff97c2 and #cf4c7d
With Preset Shape Tool, draw a rectangle to the right of the tag
Convert it to a raster layer
Using your Raster Deform Tool, rotate it a smidgeon to  the left.
Duplicate it and then Image - Mirror so it's now on the left too
Now duplicate it, and then Image - Flip
Move it so it comes from the bottom of the tag to the right this time
And then duplicate it and Image - Mirror
Now hide all layers except these four rectangles
Layer - Merge - Merge Visible

Unhide the other layers
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float
Selections - Unfloat 
Selections - Modify - Expand  by 3
Add a new raster layer and floodfill with your gradient you made
Selections - Select None
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Same settings as before
Add a dropshadow to this layer, same as before
Lower this layer to the very bottom
Here is what I have so far: 


Now, add your tube to the rotated rectangles you just made in the above step.
Place them exactly where you want them.
For me, I added the face to the top ones, but focused on the breasts for the bottom ones
They pretty much get hidden with some elements and stuff anyway..
Use the same method as above.

Now, using the color #cf4c7d, draw a rectangle at the left of the tag 
Lower this layer to the very bottom 
Convert to a raster layer
Duplicate the layer - Image - Mirror

Add your tube using same method as above to each rectangle
Apply your Xero - Radiance plugin to your tube layer
using default settings
Add a dropshadow to the rectangle layers now, same as before

Now draw a rectangle again, smaller in size and move to the bottom of the tag. 
I covered the bottom part of the tube with it
I used the color #fd61ab
Add a dropshadow again, same as before


Open paper 'P-003' in PSP and resize it by 54%
Add the paper to your Material Palette 
Using the paper, with the Preset Shape Tool, draw a rectangle coming out from the top of the tag.
Convert to a raster layer
Now duplicate it, and Image - Flip so it's at the bottom now too.
Now, using the same paper, make a rectangle on either side of the tag, a bit smaller than previous rectangles.
Add a dropshadow to all of these, same as before
You can also change the color of your rectangles by changing the Hue & Saturation
like I did to fit the tag more, if you prefer.
Here is what my tag looks like so far: 


Here are the elements from the kit I added: 
I used the same dropshadow as above on each.
Check my tag for placement

E-005b - resize by 30%
E-007 - resize by 80%
E-004 - resize by 70%

(used the one on right side)
E-024 - resize by 25%
E-023 - resize by 40%
E-021 - resize by 40%
E-043 - no resize 
(used just one of the hearts)


Using the rectangle preset shape tool again
Horizontal and Vertical Radius set to 0 now
Draw two small rectangles at each side of the tag, coming from behind the frame & circle layer.

Now I added a tube to the circle underneath the frame
Trim your tube and add it to each side
I used the blend mode 'Overlay'

Using your Pixelette font, type the words 'Early Detection Saves Lives'
I typed it on repeat, 3x each line and placed it over the rectangle at the very bottom of the tag
Add a thin glow with gradient glow 
using the color #ca2461

Now, using the Kaleenay font, size 48
Type the words 'Get Your Mammogram' 
and lower this to the bottom of your tag. 

Now add your watermark, some sparkles of choice and your mask!
Thank you for following along with my tutorial.

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written October 6, 2023.
Tuesday 5 September 2023


Tube - ©Michi Art - available at CDO - HERE
Scrap Kit - by Tamie & Vicki - Pink & Spooky - HERE

Preset Shape Tool - Rectangle
PSP Mask by Becky - Mask016

(no longer available for download)
If you don't have it, any mask will do!

My Supplies - HERE
(contains the goth tree)

Font Used for the name: Mansfield
Creative Fabrica - HERE

Okay, let's get started!


File - New - New Image - 750 x 750 - transparent
Paste 'frame2' to your canvas, no resizing necessary
Add a dropshadow of 0, 0, 40, 4.00
Move it down a smidgeon on your canvas.
Add the color #ff70af to your Background and Fill Properties on your Material Palette
Using your preset shape tool, draw a pink rectangle behind the set of dots on the frame to the left
Convert it to a raster layer
Duplicate this rectangle and move it to the center set of dots
Duplicate this rectangle and move it to the right set of dots
Hide your frame layer and make one of your rectangle layers active
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Now unhide your frame layer again.
Click on the merged layer to make it active now
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Random - 28% - Monochrome: Unchecked


Now let's make a gradient to use!
Now keep the pink in your Material Palette
Add black in the Foreground & Stroke Properties of your Material Palette
Using your mouse, click on the center of one of the colors in your palette
A box should open up
Click on the gradient tab
Click the little arrow beside the picture of the current gradient
And choose 'foreground-background' in your gradient choices
It should be the two colors you have in your material palette currently
Style: Linear 
Angle: 46
Repeats: 4
Click OK

Now using your gradient, use your preset shape tool again
Draw rectangles a bit bigger than the rectangles in the frame
(or you can draw one big rectangle, up to you) 
Make sure these gradient rectangles are below the frame layer
This is what you should now have: 


Paste your tube to your canvas.
I resized the one I am using by 85%. 
Add a dropshadow to your tube, I used the same as before.
Place it exactly where you want it.
Now add your tube to the gradient rectangles in your frame.
Trim off any excess
I duplicated my tubes layer
And then changed the blend mode of the bottom layer to Luminance (Legacy)

And then changed the blend mode of the top layer to Multiply.
Hide all layers except the gradient rectangles and the layered tubes over those gradients
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Now duplicate your merged layer
On the top one, Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
Add these settings: 

Now, lower the opacity of this layer to 65.
Unhide your other layers.


Now using the same gradient, and the preset shape tool again
Draw a rectangle coming from behind the frame. 
Convert to a raster layer. 
Using your raster deform tool, rotate your rectangle a bit to the left with Deform.
(Using your mouse, grab the tiny square in the center and move it upward & left.)
This is what it should look like.


Click on the gradient rotated rectangle to make sure it is active.
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Modify - Expand by 7

Add a new raster layer and floodfill it with black 
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3 
Add a new raster layer again and floodfill it with your gradient again
Selections - Select None.
Now, move your black floodfilled layer beneath your original rotated gradient.
Move your other gradient layer beneath the black layer. 
Go to Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise 
Random - 36% - Monochrome: unchecked

Now, click on your black floodfilled layer to make it active
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 

Add a new raster layer again
Click on the pink color in your material palette to open up the properties
To the right hand side, you will see the word 'Texture' 
Make sure there is a check mark in that box
Now, click the arrow beside the picture of the texture 
Choose 'Grid' in your options 
Angle: 0 
Scale: 60 

Now, floodfill the new raster layer with the grid using the color pink.
Selections - Select None
Click on your black floodfilled layer again and add a dropshadow
I used the one same as before.
Using your  tube again, add the bits of it you want on your main gradient layer.
I changed the blend modes to 'Soft Light'.
Here is a preview of texture in Material Palette, and my tag so far..


Now it's time for pasting elements from the scrap kit. 
You can use the same ones as me, or change them up..
I added a dropshadow of 0, 0, 30, 3.00 on each. 

Ele3 - resize by 30%
Ele24 - resize by 30%
Ele39 - resize by 50%
Ele2 - resize by 25%
Ele53 - resize by 70%
Ele30 - resize by 80%
Ele16 - resize by 70%
Ele28 - resize by 70%
Ele12 - resize by 40%
Ele52 - resize by 75%

Now, add your mask
Add the goth tree I have provided in supplies for you
Add a copyright and a name.
You are now all finished with your tag!
Thank you SO much for following along!

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written September 5, 2023.

Thursday 17 August 2023



Tube by ©Verymany - found HERE
Scrap Kit by Tamie of Addictive Pleasures - found HERE

Mask by Dee - Dangerously Delicious Designs -
DD_FallMask_3 - no longer for download
(but any mask will do)

PSP preset shape - Rectangle

My wordart - HERE at sylly creationz

Download HERE 


Okay, let's get started!


From the scrap kit, grab the 'window' element
Paste to your canvas, no resizing necessary
Now grab the element 'gate' from the kit
Resize by 70% and add a dropshadow
I used 0, 0, 40, 4.00
Now move the layer beneath the window layer and coming out from each side of the window.

Grab a paper of choice from the kit, I used paper 8
Resize by 72% and add it to your material palette
Click on your window layer to make it active now
Using your Magic Wand Tool, click on the outside of your Window.
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Modify, Contract by 5%
Add a new raster layer and floodfill it with your paper layer
Selections - None
Adjust - Hue & Saturation - Colorize
H: 241 S: 74 
Now add the same dropshadow as above to your window layer.


Grab your tube of choice. 
If using the same one, I resized by 38%
Add a dropshadow , same as before, and move the tube to the bottom of the tag.

Now add these elements: 
(check my tag for placement)

leaves 3 - Resize by 50% - Paste under tube layer on each side of the tube
leaves 6 - No resizing - paste over top of the leaves layer and under the tube layer
leaves 2 - Resize by 60% - coming out from behind the gate on each side
grass 2 - Resize by 75% - paste over the window layer to the right of the tube
gargoyle - Resize by 60% - paste over the window but to the left of the tube 
crow - Resize by 50% -  paste to the top right of the tag
butterfly - Resize by 50% - paste to the bottom of the tag to the right side
leaves - No resize - change the hue & saturation - same as before
Do the same to the butterfly and the grass you just pasted too.


Now create a gradient using the colors black and #492833
Angle: 46 - Repeats: 4 - Style: Linear
Using your preset shape tool, draw a rectangle coming out from behind the right side of tag.
Make sure it's at the lowest layer
Convert to raster layer
Duplicate the layer and then Image - Mirror
Now you should have one on each side. 
Add a part of your tube of choice over top of one of the rectangles.
Click on the rectangle layer to make it active
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Invert

Now click on the tube layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard
Selections - None
Now duplicate the tube and Image - Mirror
Change the blend mode of each tube to 'Multiply'
Add a dropshadow (same as before) to the rectangle layers


Now we are going to add the mask of choice.
I used one of Dee's, but if you don't have that mask, you can use any. 
Her masks are no longer for download on her blog, sadly. 

Grab the supplies from my download link. 
Paste the 'goth tree' over top of the mask and underneath all other layers
so it's coming out from each side of the tag
Paste the 'weed' underneath the main tube layer on each side

Now add the copyright to your tag, add the name and we are all finished!
Thank you for following along!

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written August 17, 2023.

Tuesday 20 June 2023



Tube by ©Amber - VMArtists - HERE
Scrap Kit by TammyKat called PSP Addict- at TK Designz - HERE
Vix Mask 229 

Preset Shape - rectangle 
Plugin - penta.com 

Okay, let's get started!


File - New - New Image - 750 x 750 - transparent 
Frame 3 from the scrap kit, paste to your canvas - no resizing
Add a dropshadow - I used 0, 0, 30, 3.00 
Now paste your tube to your canvas, I resized by 45%
And added the very same dropshadow
Now grab frame 5 from the scrap kit
Paste it to the canvas and move it to the right side of the other frame
Duplicate it, and then Image - Mirror so it's now on the left side too.
In your Material Palette - add these two colors to match the kit: 
#353543 & #fe8fa6
Now using those colors, make your own gradient
(choose the gradient tab in Material palette and choose Foreground-Background in the dropdown)
Angle: 42   Repeats: 4 
Using your magic wand tool, click on the inside of one of the round frames
Selections - Invert
Selections - Modify - Expand by 5
Add a new raster layer and lower it beneath the frame
Floodfill with the gradient
Selections: None 
Duplicate the gradient layer
Image - Mirror
Now add a dropshadow on the round frames, same as before


Now, I've taken a screen shot of my laptop screen with PSP open on it. 
On your computer/laptop, hit the 'prt sc' key (print screen) 
In your PSP program, paste it and then draw a selection around the part you want.
This is what I chopped from my screen shot.

Now, paste it beneath the first frame in center of your canvas
Resize as necessary 
Using your rectangle preset shape, draw a rectangle with the gradient from earlier
just so it fits that very same center frame
Now lower the gradient beneath the screen shot
Duplicate the screen shot and change the blend modes
Bottom one to Luminance Legacy 
Top one to Soft Light 


Now add a bit of the tube you would like to have in the side circle frames
(I used part of my main tube) 
Paste the tube bit over the gradient in the circle
Click on the gradient circle layer
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Invert 

Now click on the tube layer and hit the delete key to chop excess
Selections - None 
Duplicate this tube layer 
Image - Mirror 
Now you should have one on each side.
Duplicate each of them and change the blend modes
Bottom layers: Luminance Legacy 
Top layers: Screen

Make one of your circle frames active by clicking on the layer
Using your Magic Wand Tool - click on the outside of the frame layer
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Add a new raster layer and lower beneath the frame layer
Floodfill with the gradient again
Selections - None 
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Random - 37% - Monochrome: checked

Click Ok
Now add a dropshadow, I used 0, 0, 40, 4.00
Click on the frame layer now to make it active
Effects - Plugins - penta.com - color dot - default settings
Add the same dropshadow to the frames now
Do the same to the frame on the other side.
This is what you should have now: 


Now add these elements below.
See my tag for reference, or you can put your elements elsewhere on the tag
Totally up to you!

Element 2 -
 resize by 60%
Element 21 - resize by 70%
Element 19 - resize by 60%
Element 19a - resize by 60%
Element 10 - resize by 30 %
Element 15 - resize by 50% 
Element 18 - resize by 40%
Element 17 - resize by 60%
Element 14 - resize by 70%
Element 25 - resize by 60%


Open wordart 2 and paste to the canvas - no resize necessary 
I added a dropshadow, I used 1, 1, 50, 5.00
Image - Rotate - Free Rotate - to the right by 90%
Move it to the right side of the tag

Now, add your mask, copyright, sparkles of choice and the name.
Thank you so much for following along and trying my tutorial!

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written June 20, 2023.
Wednesday 11 January 2023



Tube © Alex Prihodko - VMArtists - HERE
FTU Scrap Kit by SimplyVicki - Smoochie Woochie - HERE

Preset Shape Tool - Heart 

Font Used
Impact - for the wordart
Fixed_01 - for the pixel font
Fanfare - for the name

Mask - #44 by me - sylly creationz - HERE


Okay, let's get started!


File - New Image - 800 x 800 - Transparent
Open Element 51 from the kit, resize by 90% and paste to the canvas
Image - Rotate - to the Right by 90%
Make a gradient using two colors from the scrap kit now
I used #db1014 and #fb78ae
Using your Magic Wand Tool, click inside of the frame
You will see marching ants around the frame
Selections - Modify - Expand by 8
Add a new raster layer now and lower it beneath the frame layer
Floodfill with your gradient you made
Selections - Select None.


Open the tube you are using now and paste it to the canvas.
Resize it so it fits within the canvas, move it over the gradient layer to the right of the frame
Now, use a close up and move it to the left and underneath the tube you just pasted on.
Click on the gradient layer
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Invert

Now click on each of the tube layers and hit the delete key.
Click on the closeup, add a dropshadow (0, 0, 30, 3.00) and duplicate it
Change the blend mode of the bottom layer to Luminance (Legacy)
And change the blend mode of the top layer to Screen
Now, click on the other tube to make it active
Add a dropshadow (same as above) and then duplicate it
Change the blend mode of the bottom layer to Luminance (Legacy)
And then change the blend mode of the top layer to Overlay
Add a dropshadow to the frame layer now
Click on the gradient layer again 
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds


Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
All layers should now be merged together
Duplicate your frame 
Image - Rotate - Free Rotate by 10% to the right
Lower this layer beneath your main frame layer
Now move the top frame layer to the left some, so the rotated one is more exposed.
This is what I now have: 

Now paste the main tube over the frames, add a dropshadow 
(I used 0, 0, 40, 4.00)


Now these are the elements I placed on my tag
Use my tag for reference, and add a dropshadow if you like
I used 0, 0, 30, 3.00

Element 35 - no resizing necessary
(Image - Rotate - Free Rotate - by 10% to the left)
Element 71 - resize by 60%
Element 38 - resize by 40%
Element 4 - resize by 35%
Element 43 - resize by 40%
Element 2 - resize by 45%
Element 36 - resize by 70%
Element 24 - resize by 65%
Element 13 - resize by 35%
Element 53 - resize by 50%


Select the Impact font, or a font of your choice
Size: 125 - Color: #db1014
Type out the words XOXO 
Convert to a raster layer
Image - Rotate - to the right by 90%

Move it to the right of your tag, like mine
Lower the layer below the main tube layer
Click on the main tube layer to make it active
Using your Selection Tool, draw around the top half of your tube
Edit - Copy 
Selections - Select None
Edit - Paste

Move it over top of the word XOXO
Now, make the XOXO layer active
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat
Selections - Invert

Click on the tube layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard
Selections - Invert again
Selections - Modify - Expand by 2

Add a new raster layer and lower it beneath the XOXO layer
Floodfill it with the color #fb78ae
Selections - Select None
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Random - 11% - Monochrome: Checked
Add a dropshadow of 1, 1, 50, 5.00
Now click on the tube layer over the XOXO layer again to make it active
Change the blend mode to Soft Light
Now click on the XOXO layer
Duplicate it
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds

(same settings as earlier) 
Now lower the opacity of this layer to 62%


Grab your pixel font and type the words XOXO 
I used the color white
Place them over top of the XOXO wordart in various places
Now using your preset shape tool 
Draw a heart and add it a few random places 
See my tag for reference
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Random - 8% - Monochrome: checked

You can also just save and use this heart if you wish
(Just right click and save)

Add your mask, some sparkles of choice
Add your copyright, and tag is finished!
Thank you so much for following along!

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written January 11, 2023.



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