Sunday, 18 February 2024



Tube ©Zindy S.D. Nielsen - available HERE 
Template - Simple Circle 2 on my blog - sylly creationz - HERE

Xero - Radiance & Fritillary - Jeans
Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow

Narah Mask 0964 - HERE
Vix Mask 147 - no longer available for download
But any mask will do if you don't have this one 

Pixel Font - Fixed01 - HERE
Name - Gladysh - HERE

Okay, let's get started!


Open the template in PSP.
Shift + D to duplicate - close the original 
Image - Canvas Size - 800 x 800 - Click OK
Paste the tube you want to use under the frame layer
Click on the half circle layer 
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Invert 

Click on the tube layer to make it active, hit your delete key on the keyboard
Selections - Invert
Add a new raster layer and lower it beneath the tube layer
Floodfill with a color of choice, I used #9772a0
Selections - Select None
Duplicate the tube layer
Change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy on the bottom tube layer
And then change the blend mode to Multiply on the top tube layer
Now duplicate the top tube layer
Effects - Plugins - Xero - Radiance - default settings
Lower the opacity of that layer to 46


Click on the half circle frame layer to make it active
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 

Add a new raster layer and floodfill with the same color as before. 
Selections - Select None
Delete the white frame
Effects - Plugins - - Jeans - default settings
Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow 
I added a 'thin' glow with the color #412935


Once again, paste your tube but now over top of the gray rectangle
Using the same method as above, trim your tube using Selections 
Change the blend mode of your tube to Luminance Legacy
Click on the Gray Rectangle layer, and add a dropshadow 
I used 0, 0, 40, 4.00.

Now, paste your tube over the larger circle layer
Image - Mirror 
Click on the larger circle layer
Using same method as above once again, trim the tube
Change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy and lower the opacity to 22
Add a new raster layer and floodfill it with #412935
Now add a new raster layer again
Selections - Modify - Expand by 8
Using the two purple colors above, I created a gradient
Floodfill this layer with the gradient and lower it beneath the floodfilled circle layer
Selections - Select None
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise  
Random - 23% - Monochrome: Checked

Add a dropshadow of 0, 0, 40, 4.00


Open your mask by Narah and resize by 86%
Paste over top of your tube layer (the one we just trimmed)
Now click on your large circle layer we just floodfilled
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float
Selections - Defloat 
Selections - Invert

Click on your mask layer and hit the delete key on your keyboard
Selections - None 
Change the blend mode to Overlay and lower the opacity to 40
Now ensure this mask layer is over the tube layer
Once again click on your floodfilled large circle layer  to make it active
Add a dropshadow , I used 0, 0, 40, 4.00


Click on the circle small layer to make it active
I changed the color to the same dark purple as before
Add a dropshadow - same as before
Xero - Fritillary - Variation: 11
Click OK
Now paste the tube over top of this layer
I moved it to the right so it lined up with the tube under the half circle frame
Now the hair should be flowing out from behind the frame.
(see my tag for reference)
Trim excess from the tube so you can only see the hair
Duplicate the hair
Change the blend mode of the bottom layer to Luminance Legacy
Change the blend mode of the top layer to Overlay
Lower the opacity of the Overlay layer to 54


Add your Vix mask
I used the same dark purple as before
Add your credits, sparkles of choice and a name. 

Thank you for following along with my tutorial.

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written February 18, 2024.


  1. Wow!! Great tutorial, Sylvie!!! Thanks for using my mask!

    1. I adore your masks!!! Just downloaded them all a couple of weeks ago and plan to use them lots more!
      Thank you for your awesome masks Narah!

  2. Thank you so much, I will be using this as a challenge in our group.




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