Tuesday, 11 June 2024


Tube - © Verymany - called Milkshake - found HERE

Narah Mask 0692 - HERE
Vix Mask 147
(no longer available for download on her site, sorry)

penta.com - Jeans
Xero - Fritillary
Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow

Preset Shape Tool

IMPACT (mine came with PSP)
Fixed_01 (pixel font)
Butterline - (script font for wordart)
Love & Secret (script font for name)

Sparkles of choice


Okay, let's get started!


New - New Image - 750 x 750 - transparent
Paste your tube of choice onto your canvas.
Choose two colors from your tube to make a gradient.
I used #6082b3 and #ff60a8
Using the font Impact - Size: 200 - Anti-Alias: Smooth
Type the word BABE using the gradient
Convert to a raster layer
Image - Rotate - Free Rotate - Right 90°
Place it alongside your tube
With your font layer active 
Selections - All
Selections - Float 
Selections - Defloat 
Selections -  Modify - Expand by 6

Add a new raster layer and lower it beneath the word layer
Floodfill that layer with a color of choice from your tube
I chose #1f4069
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Add a new raster layer again and lower it beneath the one we just floodfilled
Floodfill this new layer with your previous gradient again
Selections - Select None


With the very bottom gradient layer active
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Random - 17% - Monochrome: unchecked

Add a dropshadow of 0, 0, 30, 3.00
Now make the next floodfilled layer active 
(the one with a solid color between the 2 gradients)
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
Width: 2
Opacity: 17
Color: white
Horizontal: checked

Add a dropshadow, same as before.

Now click on the main gradient layer to make it active.
I chose a part of my tube to add over top of each letter.
Once you get your tube parts situated where you want them, hide all other layers
Click on one of the tube parts over the letters to make it active
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Unhide the other layers now
Right click the layer and choose Duplicate
Click on the bottom tubes layer and change the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy)
Click on the top tubes layer and change the blend mode to Soft Light
Click on the gradient letters layer and add a dropshadow, same as before
Hide your main tube layer now
Click on any other layer to make it active
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Unhide your main tube layer now
This is what I have so far:


Using the color #1f4069 I drew a rectangle using rectangle preset shape tool.
About this size : 

Now, using the rectangle preset again, draw smaller pink rectangles at each end of the blue one.
I used the same pink as before #ff60a8
This is what I now have: 

Add a dropshadow, same as before
Effects - Plugins - penta.com - Jeans - default settings


Now, use a larger version of your tube and add to the blue rectangle layer you made.
Once you have it trimmed using same selections method as above
Change the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy) and lower opacity to 30.
Add a dropshadow, same as before to the blue rectangle layer.

Set the color #ff60a8 in your Material Palette, in the bottom square 
(the Background and Fill Properties)
Now, the top square, make it transparent by clicking the small circle with a line through it underneath.
(pictured below, see where arrow is pointing)

Using the rectangle preset shape tool again 
Keep your line style set to solid but change the width to 3.00

Now, draw a rectangle around the inside of your blue rectangle
Convert to raster layer
Add a dropshadow, same as before..
Here is what I have so far: 


Using the pixel font 'Fixed 01
I typed the words Milkshake in a gradient using colors #d6d5fc and #fed4ec
See my tag for placement

Now, using the colors 
#ff60a8 and #31527b
I used the Narah mask on a canvas size 550 x 550
Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Paste it onto your tag at the top right and bottom left
Again, see my tag for placement

Using the rectangle preset shape tool once again, and the color 
I made some rectangles on each side of my tag (4 total)
Convert to raster layer
Then Effects - Plugin - Xero - Fritillary

Add a dropshadow, same as before


Using the Butterline font, type the word Milkshake
Selections - Select All
Selections - Float
Selections - Defloat
Selections - Modify - Expand by 2

Add a new raster layer and lower it beneath the word Milkshake layer
Floodfill it with the color 
Selections - Select None
Add a dropshadow 1, 1, 50, 5.00

Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 4000 - gradient glow
I used a thin glow with the color #1f4069

Lastly, using the gradient with two colors
#ff60a8 and 
Apply the Vix mask (or another mask of choice) 
and add it to each side of your tag coming out from behind.

Now add your copyright information, sparkles of choice and name.
We are all finished! Woohoo!

Thank you for following along!

© sylvie's tutorials.
Written June 11, 2024.

1 comment:

  1. Your tutorial is awesome, Sylvie. Thank you for using my mask. It's still available to download on my blog.




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